imported>Oetterer K (Schützte „Modul:Classgenerator/parameter/class“: Automatic protection of selected project pages ([Bearbeiten=Nur Administratoren erlauben] (unbeschränkt) [Verschieben=Nur Administratoren erlauben] (unbeschränkt))) |
(kein Unterschied)
Version vom 7. Oktober 2022, 16:56 Uhr
This module is subject to page protection. It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages, or is substituted very frequently. Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages, and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers, it is protected from editing. |
This is a Class Module. It implements a class in Lua using Module:Middleclass and the template class Module:Foundationclass. This class provides methods for adding and editing of a class's parameters.
Usage[Quelltext bearbeiten]
local name = args[1] or or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().rootText
local Class = require('Module:Name/class')
local me = Class:new(name)
return me:render()
Data Storage
This template does not store any persistent data.
Methods[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Constructor[Quelltext bearbeiten]
new(uid)[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Creates a new Object for the class.
- uid
- variable, optional
- used to identify the object
- return
- object, of the class
Public methods[Quelltext bearbeiten]
myArgumentProcessing(coreData)[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Performs the individual argument processing in initFromArgs(args) right before inititializing it.
- coreData
- table, mandatory
- the core data of the object. the one to process individually before initialization
- return
- table, the new core data array to be used
myPlausibilityTest(args)[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Performs the individual plausibility tests in initFromArgs(args) before entering the initialization part. NOTE: The return value will be ignored. If this finds errors, it must add them to the list of errors via addError(errortext).
- args
- table, mandatory
- arguments passed to the template to be checked
- return
- boolean, whether the object is plausible or not.
myStashAdjustments(self, stash)[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Performs the adjusts the stash in storeData() right before storing it.
- stash
- table, mandatory
- the array of data to be saved (in the form fieldname: value)
- return
- boolean, the new stash
render()[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Produces the appropriate output for this parameter
- return
- boolean, whether adding was successful or not
static methods[Quelltext bearbeiten]
ClassgeneratorParameter:mySfDynamicFieldAttribute(fieldname, attribute, value)[Quelltext bearbeiten]
For some semantic form fields there are attribute values, that are not static, thus can not be provided at forehand in the configuration file. This method does the trick to adapt them at runtime shortly before the field is rendered. Essentially: the method checks, if it has a special rule for the pair fieldname:attribute and if so, calculates the new value. if not, the old value is returned.
- fieldname
- string, mandatory
- the form field's name, needed to match current paring to an existing special treatment rule
- attribute
- string, mandatory
- the form field's attribute, needed to match current paring to an existing special treatment rule
- value
- variable, mandatory
- the value, that is already provided in the configuration file. this will be adapted by the method, if there is a special rule for the pair fieldname:attribute.
- return
- string, the value to be used forthwith (which can be the old one or a freshly calculated)
private methods[Quelltext bearbeiten]
_debug(self, level, text)[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Adds output to the internal debug log.
- self
- object, me
- level
- int; mandatory
- debug level for the message
- text
- string; mandatory
- debug message text
- return
- void
Properties[Quelltext bearbeiten]
static[Quelltext bearbeiten]
See also Static Properties
- ClassgeneratorParameter.myConfiguration
- this is your configuration. It is devided in several section, each a
- table, holds configuration data found in Module:Name/config
- WARNING: This is a read only table and besides functions pairs() and ipairs() nothing else will work on it, especially not the functions of the table library!
- form, table, holds data used to create the form. here are some of them:
- formButtons, table, which buttons should be printed at the bottom
- fieldOrder, table, in which order the form fields should appear (note: only fields listed here will be added to the form)
- global, table, holds some global configuration data
- parameter, table, holds all data about all parameter used in the module (be they form only, data store only or normal). The table has the form paramname = { table of paramdata }. The tables for the parameter have data as follows:
- cardinality, string, mandatory, one of singe or list
- cargo_type, string, optional, if the parameter is to be stored in cargo, add the field type here (one of Page, Text, Integer, Float, Date, Datetime, Boolean (which should be provided as 1 or 0), Coordinates, Wikitext, File, String, URL, or Email)
- description, string, mandatory, a description of this parameter
- label, string, mandatory, the label used in the form and the template documentation
- severity, string, optional, if provided one of mandatory, suggested
- sf, table, optional, used to add more attributes to the semantic forms field. ref Module:SFfield/config for all possible attributes. Note that the table is of type attribute_name : value. Value can be of type string, integer, boolean, and (in case of 'show on select') a table. Please note, that the attribute name cannot contain a " " (space). Use the underscore instead.
- td_default, string, optional, if you want a default value to be indicated in the template data section on the documentation page, add it here
- td_type, string, optional, if the parameter should be present in the template documentation page, fill this field. all possible values are listed here
- values, table, optional, if you want the possible values to be restricted to a specific set, fill this table
- template, table, holds some data used only in the template
- ClassgeneratorParameter.publicStaticProperty
- type, explanation
- _privateStaticProperty
- type, explanation
private[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Note: all private properties are stored in table _private[self]. _private is a static array that is indexed by self, so the table _private[self] holds all properties for instance self.
- dbg
- object, my instance of Module:Debug/class for debugging purposes. only present afer first call of _debug(self, level, text)
Configuration Data[Quelltext bearbeiten]
This class holds its control data in Module:Classgenerator/parameter/config.
Inheritance[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Note: You still reference those either by self:publicMethod() or ClassgeneratorParameter:staticMethod() and ClassgeneratorParameter.staticProperty respectively!
Methods[Quelltext bearbeiten]
Static Properties[Quelltext bearbeiten]
local FoundationClass = require('Module:Foundationclass')
local ClassDebug = require('Module:Debug/class')
-- ****************************************************************
-- * inheritance *
-- ****************************************************************
local ClassgeneratorParameter = FoundationClass:subclass('ClassgeneratorParameter')
-- setting class's configuration data
ClassgeneratorParameter.static.myConfiguration = mw.loadData('Module:Classgenerator/parameter/config')
ClassgeneratorParameter.static.SFfieldConfig = mw.loadData('Module:SFfield/config')
--ClassgeneratorParameter.static.myConfiguration = require('Module:Classgenerator/parameter/config')
--local SFfieldConfig = mw.loadData('Module:SFfield/config')
--ClassgeneratorParameter.static.myConfiguration.parameter.input_type.values = SFfieldConfig.validInputTypes -- cant load a table from another config in my config. therefor this
--ClassgeneratorParameter.static.myConfiguration.parameter.base_type.values = SFfieldConfig.validInputTypes -- cant load a table from another config in my config. therefor this
-- being in a static method, use self.myConfiguration
-- being in a private method, that knows self or in a public method, use self.class.myConfiguration
-- ****************************************************************
-- * properties *
-- ****************************************************************
-- **************** initialization of table for private properties
local _private = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'k'}) -- weak table storing all private attributes
-- **************** declaration of public static properties
-- ClassgeneratorParameter.static.myPropertyModule = require('Module:extern')
-- ClassgeneratorParameter.static.staticProperty = ' '
-- remember the static classes provided by Foundationclass:
-- ClassgeneratorParameter.globalConfig
-- ClassgeneratorParameter.myCargoUtil
-- ClassgeneratorParameter.myTableTools
-- **************** declaration of (global) private properties
-- for properties you should rather use constructor and _private[self]. this only, if you need a private class property
-- you should, however predeclare private methods here
local _debug -- private method declared later
local _privateMethodAhead -- declaration ahead, so this private method can be used in the constructor and in other private methods
-- ***************************************************************
-- * methods *
-- ***************************************************************
-- **************** declaration of static methods
function ClassgeneratorParameter:initialize(uid)
local _CFG = self.class.myConfiguration
FoundationClass.initialize(self, uid)
_private[self] = {
dbg = ClassDebug:new(tostring(self.class) .. ': id ' .. uid),
_debug(self, 1, ' ClassgeneratorParameter: done initializing object "' .. uid ..'", from ' .. tostring(self))
-- use use self.myConfiguration to access your configuration in a static method
function ClassgeneratorParameter.static:aStaticMethod(var)
_debug(self, 1, 'entering ClassgeneratorParameter.static:aStaticMethod() to do something, from ' .. tostring(self))
function ClassgeneratorParameter.static:mySfDynamicFieldAttribute(fieldname, attribute, value)
_debug(self, 1, 'entering ClassgeneratorParameter.static:mySfDynamicFieldAttribute(fieldname, attribute, value), from ' .. tostring(self))
_debug(self, 2, ' with parameters "' .. fieldname .. '", "' .. attribute .. '" and a ' .. type(value) .. ' value')
-- function that can process any attribute/value pair just before rendering the semantic forms field
-- usually done, to generate a dynamic 'default' value
-- keep in mind: you can completely disable a form field, if you return true on attribute "disable". note however, that this causes the field to not show at all, no data will be transported/saved
local val = value
if FoundationClass.globalConfig.dataStore ~= 'cargo' and FoundationClass.globalConfig.dataStore ~= 'both' then
-- disable all cargo fields
if fieldname == 'cargo' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'cargo_hidden' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'cargo_size' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'cargo_type' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'add_cargo_table_and_field' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'mapping_cargo_field' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'mapping_cargo_table' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if FoundationClass.globalConfig.dataStore ~= 'smw' and FoundationClass.globalConfig.dataStore ~= 'both' then
-- disable all smw fields
if fieldname == 'property' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'property_name' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'property_type' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'unique_for_concept' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'mapping_property' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'values_from_concept' and attribute == 'disable' then
val = true
if fieldname == 'property_name' and attribute == 'values_from_namespace' then
local ret, nulProperty = pcall(, 'NUL', 'Property')
val = ret and[nulProperty.namespace].name or 'NUL'
if fieldname == 'property_type' and attribute == 'values' then
val = FoundationClass.globalConfig.smwPropertyTypesAvailable
if fieldname == 'input_type' and attribute == 'show_on_select' then
-- build input type's show on select from SFfieldConfig.validAttributesPerType, except remove values and replace all spaces in attribute names by an underscore
--val = mw.clone(ClassgeneratorParameter.SFfieldConfig.validAttributesPerType)
--val = ClassgeneratorParameter.myTableTools.shallowClone(ClassgeneratorParameter.SFfieldConfig.validAttributesPerType)
val = {}
for param, attrlist in pairs(ClassgeneratorParameter.SFfieldConfig.validAttributesPerType) do
if not val[param] then
val[param] = {}
for k, attr in pairs(attrlist) do
if attr ~= 'values' then
val[param][k] = mw.ustring.gsub(attr, ' ', '_')
_debug(self, 2, ' calculated this monster: <pre>' .. ClassgeneratorParameter.myTableTools.printTable(val) .. '</pre>')
if fieldname == 'input_type' and attribute == 'values' then
return ClassgeneratorParameter.SFfieldConfig.validInputTypes
if fieldname == 'base_type' and attribute == 'values' then
return ClassgeneratorParameter.SFfieldConfig.validInputTypes
if fieldname == 'uploadable' and attribute == 'show_on_select' then
val = {}
val['true'] = {'default_filename', 'image_preview'}
_debug(self, 3, ' returning ' .. (type(val) == 'boolean' and (val and 'true' or 'false') or type(val)))
return val -- this value will be used as new value for field's attribute
function ClassgeneratorParameter.static:sfGenerateForm(embedIn)
_debug(self, 1, 'entering ClassgeneratorParameter.static:sfGenerateForm()')
local _CFG = self.myConfiguration
local embedIn = embedIn or 'Classgenerator[parameter_parameter]'
local tagStart = '{{{'
local tagEnd = '}}}'
-- create the table
-- start the html object
html = mw.html.create('')
html:wikitext(tagStart .. 'for template|' .. .. '|label=' .. ..
'|embed in field=' .. embedIn .. '|multiple|add button text=' .. _CFG.form.labelCreate .. '|minimum instances=1' .. tagEnd)
:node(self:sfGenerateFormTable(self.myConfiguration.form.fieldOrderSFgeneral, 'row_parameter'))
:wikitext(tagStart .. 'end template' .. tagEnd)
return tostring(html)
-- **************** declaration of private methods
-- use self.class.myConfiguration to access your configuration in a public or a private method that is called by a public method
_debug = function (self, level, text)
if _private[self] and _private[self].dbg then
_private[self].dbg:log(level, text)
ClassDebug:log(level, text, tostring(self) .. '.static')
local _processAttribute = function (self, attr, indent)
_debug(self, 1, 'entering private _processAttribute() to print a line for attribute ' .. attr .. ', from ' .. tostring(self))
local coreData = self:getCoreData()
local ret = ''
local omissionList = {'name'}
local attr = attr
local val = coreData[attr]
if type(val) == 'boolean' then
val = val and 'true' or 'false'
if val and not ClassgeneratorParameter.myTableTools.inTable(omissionList, attr) then
ret = indent .. attr .. ' = '
if type(val) == 'table' then
ret = ret .. ClassgeneratorParameter.myTableTools.printTable(val, 'inline')
elseif val == 'true' or val == 'false' or attr == 'cargo_table' or (attr == 'restricted' and (val == 'global.restrictedTo' or val == 'superglobal.restrictedTo')) or mw.ustring.match(val, '^[0-9]+$') then
ret = ret .. val
local valMangled = mw.text.trim(val)
valMangled = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(valMangled, "\\'", "'"), "'", "\\'")
valMangled = mw.ustring.gsub(valMangled, '\n', '\\n\' ..\n' .. indent .. '\t\'')
ret = ret .. "'" .. valMangled .. "'" -- the gsub catches multiline input from textareas
ret = ret .. ','
if self.class.myConfiguration.template.addCommentsToConfig then
ret = ret .. '\t-- ' .. self.class.myConfiguration.parameter[attr].description
ret = ret .. '\n'
return ret
local _privateMethod = function (self)
_debug(self, 1, 'entering private _privateMethod() to do something, from ' .. tostring(self))
-- **************** declaration of public methods
-- use self.class.myConfiguration to access your configuration in a public method
function ClassgeneratorParameter:addInfobox()
_debug(self, 1, 'entering ClassgeneratorParameter:addInfobox(), from ' .. tostring(self))
if self:goodToGo() then
local _CFG = self.class.myConfiguration
local coreData = self:getPrivate('coreData')
local ib_args = {
bodyclass = 'infobox_name',
aboveclass = 'objtitle titletext',
headerclass = 'headertext',
labelstyle = 'width: 30%;',
datastyle = 'width: 70%;',
title = self:getPrivate('uid'),
subheader = nil,
label1 =,
data1 = and or '',
header1 = nil,
return true
return false
function ClassgeneratorParameter:addPageBody()
_debug(self, 1, 'entering ClassgeneratorParameter:addPageBody(), from ' .. tostring(self))
_debug(self, 2, ' rendering errors and warnings and adding them to output')
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
if self:goodToGo() then
self:addOutput('No out put yet')
return true
return false
function ClassgeneratorParameter:myArgumentProcessing(coreData)
_debug(self, 1, 'entering ClassgeneratorParameter:myArgumentProcessing(args) to process coreData, from ' .. tostring(self))
-- function that performs some individual transformation args --&gt; coreData
local coreData = coreData
-- if dataStore == 'cargo' set sf_cargo_table and sf_cargo_field
if (FoundationClass.globalConfig.dataStore == 'cargo' or FoundationClass.globalConfig.dataStore == 'both') and FoundationClass.myYesno(coreData.cargo) and FoundationClass.myYesno(coreData.add_cargo_table_and_field) then
coreData.cargo_table = 'global.cargoTable'
coreData.cargo_field =
coreData.add_cargo_table_and_field = nil
if (FoundationClass.globalConfig.dataStore == 'smw' or FoundationClass.globalConfig.dataStore == 'both') and FoundationClass.myYesno( then
coreData.property_name = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(coreData.property_name, ' ', '_'),['Nul', 'Property').namespace].name .. ':', '')
coreData.property_name = nil
coreData.property_type = nil
if coreData.sf and mw.ustring.lower(coreData.sf) == 'holds template' then
coreData.sf = 'yes'
coreData.holds_template = 'true'
if coreData.show_on_select and type(coreData.show_on_select) == 'table' then
local sos = {}
for _, selector in pairs(coreData.show_on_select) do
local value, field = mw.ustring.match(selector, '^([^=]+)%s*=%s*(.+)$')
if value and field then
if mw.ustring.match(value, ' ') then
value = '[\'' .. value .. '\']'
if not sos[value] then
sos[value] = {}
table.insert(sos[value], field)
elseif coreData.input_type == 'checkbox' or selector == 'false' then
table.insert(sos, mw.text.trim(selector))
self:addError('Error processing value for \'\'' .. self.class.myConfiguration.parameter.show_on_select.label .. '\'\': ' ..
ClassgeneratorParameter.myTableTools.printTable(coreData.show_on_select) .. ' on entry :' .. mw.text.encode(selector))
coreData.show_on_select = sos
--coreData.show_on_select = FoundationClass.myTableTools.printTable(sos)
--coreData.show_on_select = FoundationClass.myTableTools.printTable(coreData.show_on_select)
-- kill two cosmetical switches
coreData.cargo = nil = nil
return coreData -- this is your new coreData.
function ClassgeneratorParameter:myPlausibilityTest(args)
_debug(self, 1, 'entering ClassgeneratorParameter:myPlausibilityTest(args) to test arguments, from ' .. tostring(self))
local _CFG = self.class.myConfiguration
-- function that performs the individual plausibility tests
-- note: before you access a field args.fieldname you should check for existance
-- self:addError(text)
if and not mw.ustring.match(, '^[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$') then
self:addError('Invalid value detected for parameter <i>' .. .. ':</i> "' .. mw.text.encode(tostring( .. '"')
if args.cargo_size and not mw.ustring.match(args.cargo_size, '^[0-9]*$') then
self:addError('Invalid value detected for parameter <i>' .. _CFG.parameter.cargo_size.label .. ':</i> "' .. mw.text.encode(tostring(args.cargo_size)) .. '"')
if args.cols and not mw.ustring.match(args.cols, '^[0-9]*$') then
self:addError('Invalid value detected for parameter <i>' .. _CFG.parameter.cols.label .. ':</i> "' .. mw.text.encode(tostring(args.cols)) .. '"')
if args.max_values and not mw.ustring.match(args.max_values, '^[0-9]*$') then
self:addError('Invalid value detected for parameter <i>' .. _CFG.parameter.max_values.label .. ':</i> "' .. mw.text.encode(tostring(args.max_values)) .. '"')
if args.maxlength and not mw.ustring.match(args.maxlength, '^[0-9]*$') then
self:addError('Invalid value detected for parameter <i>' .. _CFG.parameter.maxlength.label .. ':</i> "' .. mw.text.encode(tostring(args.maxlength)) .. '"')
if args.rows and not mw.ustring.match(args.rows, '^[0-9]*$') then
self:addError('Invalid value detected for parameter <i>' .. _CFG.parameter.rows.label .. ':</i> "' .. mw.text.encode(tostring(args.rows)) .. '"')
if args.size and not mw.ustring.match(args.size, '^[0-9]*$') then
self:addError('Invalid value detected for parameter <i>' .. _CFG.parameter.size.label .. ':</i> "' .. mw.text.encode(tostring(size.cols)) .. '"')
return false -- return value will be ignored. but if you add any error, the object's initialization will fail with the error
function ClassgeneratorParameter:myStashAdjustments(stash)
_debug(self, 1, 'entering ClassgeneratorParameter:myStashAdjustments(stash) to do some minor adjustments on data before storing, from ' .. tostring(self))
-- function that alters the stash before storing the data
local stash = stash
return stash -- this is your new stash. this will be stored. it has format (fieldname: value)
function ClassgeneratorParameter:render()
_debug(self, 1, 'entering ClassgeneratorParameter:render() to render the code I pass to template class generator, from ' .. tostring(self))
local str = ''
if self:goodToGo() then
local _CFG = self.class.myConfiguration
local coreData = self:getCoreData()
local indent = '\t'
local sfAttributes = {}
for _, val in pairs(_CFG.form.fieldOrderSFgeneral) do
table.insert(sfAttributes, val)
for _, val in pairs(_CFG.form.fieldOrderSFtypeDependent) do
table.insert(sfAttributes, val)
if FoundationClass.myYesno(coreData.sf, true) then
str = str ..
str = str .. _CFG.template.delimiterFormFieldName
str = str .. indent .. .. ' = {\n'
for _, globalAttr in pairs(_CFG.form.fieldOrderGeneral) do
if globalAttr ~= 'sf' then
str = str .. _processAttribute(self, globalAttr, indent .. '\t')
elseif coreData.sf ~= 'Information' then
local sf = ''
sf = sf .. _processAttribute(self, 'cargo_table', indent .. '\t\t')
sf = sf .. _processAttribute(self, 'cargo_field', indent .. '\t\t')
for _, sfAttr in pairs(sfAttributes) do
sf = sf .. _processAttribute(self, sfAttr, indent .. '\t\t')
if mw.ustring.len(sf) > 0 then
str = str .. indent .. '\t' .. 'sf = {\n' .. sf .. indent .. '\t' .. '},\n'
str = str .. indent .. '},\n' .. _CFG.template.delimiterResult
str = tostring(self:renderErrors())
return str
return ClassgeneratorParameter