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< Vorlage:Param
Version vom 26. September 2014, 12:48 Uhr von mw>Oetterer

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Not to be confused with Template:Para.

This template is for giving examples of template parameter source code which is useful in template documentation and talk page discussions of template code.

Usage[Quelltext bearbeiten]

{{param|foo}} → {{{foo}}}
{{param|foo|bar}} → {{{foo|bar}}}
{{param|foo|{{param|bar|nested=yes}}}} → {{{foo|{{{bar}}}}}}
{{param|foo|{{param|bar|{{param|baz|derp|nested=yes}}|nested=yes}}}} → {{{foo|{{{bar|{{{baz|derp}}}}}}}}}

Examples involving {{para}}[Quelltext bearbeiten]

{{para|foo|{{param|bar}}}} → |foo={{{bar}}}
{{para|foo}}{{param|bar}} → |foo={{{bar}}}
{{para|foo|<var>bar</var>}} → |foo=bar

See also[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Other markup-related templates[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Template Example output Use
{{var}} strIllustratePrefix To indicate text is a variable name
{{para}} |title=  |year=2008 To display template parameters with or without values.
{{param}} {{{title}}}  {{{title|alt}}}  etc. To display parameters as used in code (i.e. with triple braces), especially to indicate relationships between them.
{{tlx}} etc. {{tlx|first parameter|...}} To display a template call (with or without parameters and values) as code.
{{tag}} "With HTML <img>...</img> tags..." To render wpen:HTML elements ("tags") as prose.
local p = {}
function p.main(frame)

To indicate text is source code.
{{code snippet}} "Always include the sample text parameter..." To indicate text is source code. To nest other templates within {{code snippet}}, use <code>...</code>.
<syntaxhighlight>...</syntaxhighlight> Parser function
{{pre}} For larger blocks of source code and other pre-formatted text.
{{pre2}} For larger blocks of source code and other pre-formatted text. Same as {{pre}} but ads slider for overflowing text

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