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Version vom 17. September 2014, 12:36 Uhr von mw>Oetterer (1 Version)

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Documentation icon Template documentation

Usage[Quelltext bearbeiten]

In its basic version, this template sets the font for its argument to one which is likely to support special symbols. The argument is specified using HTML character encoding, either in decimal (e.g. {) or hexadecimal (e.g. ©), or by pasting it as plain text. Examples:

  • sample text
  • sample text
  • sample text


  • sample text
  • sample text
  • sample text

Purpose[Quelltext bearbeiten]

This template was created to allow easy switching to Unicode fonts. It helps some browsers in which characters which do not render correctly, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer on Windows XP.

The fonts selected are designed to maximize the probability of rendering uncommon Unicode characters correctly. However, different fonts cover different Unicode ranges. It is probably mostly useful for various Unicode symbols.

Internals[Quelltext bearbeiten]

The source for the template is:

<span class="Unicode">{{{1}}}</span>

and class="Unicode" is defined in MediaWiki:Common.js as follows:

.Unicode {
    font-family: "Arial Unicode MS", "Lucida Sans Unicode";

Note it is defined only for Windows XP. It does so by targeting XP in JavaScript.

You can override this with your own Unicode class definition in your personal stylesheet (e.g. User:username/common.css).

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