Think-cell (campus license)

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Die deutsche Version finden Sie auf der Seite Think-cell (Campuslizenz)

think-cell is an add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint for creating professional diagrams such as waterfall, Mekko and Gantt charts. It allows you to quickly create clear slide layouts from standard elements.

Requirements[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Student of the University of Paderborn
  • Lecturer or teacher of the University of Paderborn
  • MS PowerPoint from Office 2010 or later

Apply for license[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

First, the think-cell service must be applied for in the Serviceportal.

  • Go to the Serviceportal.
  • Log in with your university account.
  • Change to the section "User Selfcare" and then to "Additional Services"
  • Under "Lizenzen" you will find the service think-cell'


  • Click on Optionen and then on Beantragen
  • Accept the terms of the license

You should now receive an email within a short time. This will contain the following information:

  • A link to the think-cell download page.
  • The serial number required for operation
  • Further instructions for use and installation

Download think-cell[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Follow the download link from the ZIM's reply email.


  • Enter your e-mail address that ends with here.
  • Click on Request download information

You will then receive a download link to the software via email from the think-cell company. Click on the link and download the installation file.

Installing think-cell[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Run the installation file. Accept the license terms during the installation.


  • Click on Installieren

Then the setup wizard installs the think-cell software.


  • Click on Fertig stellen

After installation, you will be prompted to enter the license key the first time you start MS PowerPoint.


  • Insert the license key from the mail from the ZIM.
  • Click on OK

Now think-cell can be used in MS PowerPoint.

macOS[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The installation process under macOS is the same.

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