Vorlage:Message Box Templates/doc

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< Vorlage:Message Box Templates
Version vom 25. September 2014, 16:03 Uhr von mw>Oetterer

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Description[Quelltext bearbeiten]

Outputs out list of existing Messagebox templates and their uses

Optional Parameters[Quelltext bearbeiten]

If set to 1 omits the introductory text
specifies the output format. default is list.

Examples[Quelltext bearbeiten]

{{Message Box Templates|type=dl}}

Here is an overview of the available Message Box Templates and their uses:

{{Deprecated template}}
outdated/deprecated templates and pages, that use these templates. (used by template programmers)
articles that are outdated and are not maintained anymore.
articles/sections currectly in development or in revision
articles/sections that are erroneous, faulty, or otherwise dangerous.
articles that needs expanding.
{{Template warning}}
the error feedback from templates. (used by template programmers)
articles that lack validation and positive user feedback.
Warning text.

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